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Thursday, 31 March 2011

Classroom objects

Ajuda l'alien a trobar els objectes de classe.
Help the alien to find the classroom objects.
Classroom objects

Simon and Daphne get dressed and undressed

Ajuda a Simon i Daphne a vestir-se abans d'anar a l'escola i a desvestir-se abans de dormir.
Help Simon and Daphne to get dressed before they go to school and to get undressed before going to sleep.

Simon and Daphne get dressed
Simon and Daphne get undressed

Getting dressed

Ajuda a aquest xiquet a vestir-se correctament.
Help this boy to get dressed.
Dress me

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

This is my classroom

Aprén el vocabulari dels objectes de classe.
Learn the vocabulary about the classroom objects.
This is my classroom

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Benvinguda als nous membres

José Joaquín, Kuska i Coluna, ja sou membres d'ENGLISH KIDS FUN, benvinguts.
José Joaquín, Kuska and Coluna, you are already ENGLISH KIDS FUN members, welcome.

Prepositions of time

Prepositions of time

Irregular verbs list

Llistat dels 20 verbs irregulars més utilitzats a primària.
List of 20 most used irregular verbs in primary education.

Irregular verbs list

Monday, 28 March 2011

Informa de les errades

Si trobes alguna activitat que no funciona correctament, algun enllaç que no et redirecciona al lloc indicat o trobes qualsevol errada al blog, per favor, informa escrivint un comentari.
Any problem with an activity, link or whatever, please report sending a message.

Who am I ?

Completa crea el teu avatar.
Complete and get your avatar.

Who am I?

What is my pet?

Divertida activitat per als més menuts sobre les mascotes i les seues habilitats.
Funny activity for younger students about pets and their abilities.

What is my pet?

Animals games

Conjunt de jocs sobre els animals.
Set of games about animals.

Animals games

Colours games

Jocs online sobre els colors.
Colours online games.

Colours games 01
Colours games 02

Friday, 25 March 2011

Benvinguda als nous membres

Ir i Verónica, ENGLISH FUN us dóna la benvinguda.
Ir and Verónica, ENGLISH FUN welcomes you.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Regular or irregular?

Classifica els verbs en regulars o irregulars.
Classify the verbs in regular or irregular.

Regular or irregular?

What did they do yesterday?

Aquesta és la contribució d'Evelina Maria, de Portugal. Una gran activitat per a treballar el passat simple dels verbs regulars.
This is Evelina Maria's contribution, from Portugal. A great activity about the simple past tense of regular verbs.


Activitats de "listening" classificades per nivells.
Listening activities with different levels.

Listening activities

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Means of transportation sounds

Gabriela Sandru, de Romania, contribueix al blog amb aquesta activitat.
Gabriela Sandru, from Romania, contributes with this amazing activity.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Surprise 5 Unit 5 Pictionary

Surprise 5 Unit 5 Pictionary

Surprise 4 Unit 5 Pictionary

Surprise 4 Unit 5 Pictionary

Surprise 3 Unit 5 Pictionary

Surprise 3 Unit 5 Pictionary

Surprise 2 Unit 4 Pictionary

Surprise 2 Unit 4 Pictionary

Surprise 1 Unit 4 Pictionary

Surprise 1 Unit 4 Pictionary

Benvinguda als nous membres

Valerie i Rocío, benvingudes a ENGLISH FUN.
Valerie and Rocío, welcome to ENGLISH FUN.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Falles 2011

Falles 2011

Fotos de la Falla del CEIP. Blasco Ibáñez de Rafelguaraf dedicada a Enric Valor.
CEIP. Blasco Ibáñez from Rafelguaraf pictures celebrating the Falla tributing Enric Valor.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

100 most common words in English

Ací teniu un vídeo amb les 100 paraules més comuns en Anglés, quantes en coneixes?.
Here you are a video with the 100 most common words in English, how many of them do you know?.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Earth day

Els nostres amics de Rosario (Argentina), celebraren el Dia de la terra de 2010 fent aquestes manualitats.
Our friends from Rosario (Argentina), celebrated the Earth Day 2010 making these door handles.

Earth day 2010

Benvinguda als nous membres

Stephanie i Laura, benvingudes a ENGLISH FUN.
Stephanie and Laura, welcome to ENGLISH FUN.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Winter clothes

Ací podeu vore a una patinadora sobre gel. Pots pintar la seua roba? Llig o escolta les instruccions.
Here is a picture of an ice skater. Can you colour her clothes? Read or listen to the instructions.

Winter clothes
Jocs online sobre la roba.
Clothes online games.

Clothes games

My clothes

Means of transport audio dictionary

Clica sobre les imatges, escolta i llig.
Click, listen and read.

Means of transport audio dictionary

Colouring transports

Observa els sis mitjans de transport. Escolta, llig i pinta.
Here are six ways to travel. Listen, read, then colour them in.

Colouring transports

Means of transport printable

Fitxa imprimible per a treballar la descripció dels mitjans de transport.
Means of transport description printable worksheet.
Means of transport

Let's travel

Means of transport online worksheets

Fitxes online sobre els mitjans de transport.
Online worksheets about the means of transport.

The Wheels on The Bus
Means of transport
Transportation + Actions

Means of transportation

Monday, 7 March 2011


Make your contributions and share your activities with the rest of the world. Please send your works to englishkidsfun@yahoo.com.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Animals in danger

Activitat enviada per Verónica Maser, de l'Argentina, sobre animals en perill d'extinció.
Verónica Maser's contribution, from Argentina, about animals in danger.

Animals in danger

Friday, 4 March 2011

Festivals in Britain

Fitxa per a aprendre les Festes a Gran Bretanya. També es treballen els nombres ordinals i les preposicions. Després, descobreix l'origen de Halloween amb la seua història.
Worksheet to learn about festivals in Britain. It is also worked the ordinal numbers and the prepositions. Then, learn the origins of Halloween with a reading comprehension.
Festivals in Britain

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Benvinguda als nous membres

Maria i Tere, ja sou membres d'ENGLISH FUN.
Maria and Tere, you're already ENGLISH FUN members.

Tick tock time

Aprén les hores i les rutines amb Disney.
Learn the time and the daily routines with Disney.

At the zoo

Fitxa per a imprimir amb la que es pot practicar la descripció d'animals.
Printable worksheet to practise the animals description.
At the zoo

Colours online games

Jocs online amb els que aprendràs els colors.
Online games to learn the colours.

Colours online games

Parts of the body online games

Jocs online per a aprendre les parts del cos.
Online games to learn the parts of the body.

Build your own sentences

Mira l'exemple i escriu les teues pròpies oracions contestant a les preguntes.
Look at the example and write your own sentences answering to the questions.
Build your own sentences

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Guess the animal

Llig la descripció i adivina el nom de l'animal.
Read the description and guess the animal.

Guess the animal

Animals game

Escolta i fes clic en l'animal correcte.
Listen and click on the right animal.

Animals game

Months of the year wordsearch

Sopa de lletres online amb els mesos de l'any.
Online wordsearch with the months of the year.

Days of the week wordsearch

Sopa de lletres online amb els dies de la setmana.
Online wordsearch with the days of the week.

Days of the week online wordsearch

Parts of the body wordsearch

Sopa de lletres online amb les parts del cos.
Online wordsearch with the parts of the body.

Parts of the body wordsearch

Clock game

Ajuda a l'home a creuar el pont. Llig el text i fes clic en el rellotge correcte. Si t'equivoques, l'home caurà en la lava.
Take your man to the other side. Read the text and click on the correct clock. If you are wrong you will fall in the lava.

Clock game