FACEBOOK PROFILE: Englishkidsfun ESL Blogspot FACEBOOK PAGE: English Kids Fun TWITTER: @englishkidsfun GOOGLE +: Englishkidsfun

Friday, 29 April 2011

At the amusement park

Fitxa per a practicar el There is / There are.
There is / There are printable.
At the amusement park

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

The weather

Aprén vocabulari sobre el temps atmosfèric.
Learn vocabulary about the weather.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Festivals in Britain

Festivals in Britain

Saturday, 23 April 2011

The Easter bunny

Imprimeix i pinta el conillet de Pasqua.
Print and colour the Easter bunny.
The Easter bunny

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Frequency adverbs online activities

Activitats online sobre els advervis de freqüència.
Frequency adverbs online activities.

Activity 01
Activity 02

Frequency adverbs online worksheets

Fitxes online sobre els adverbis de freqüència.
Frequency adverbs online worksheets.

Frequency Adverbs
Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs and expressions of frequency

How often do you . . .?

Adverbis de freqüència.
Frequency adverbs.

Benvinguda als nous membres

Isabel i Nayeli, ja sou membres d'ENGLISH KIDS FUN, benvingudes.
Isabel and Nayeli, you are already ENGLISH KIDS FUN members, welcome.

Easter wordsearch

Sopa de lletres amb el vocabulari de Pasqua.
Easter vocabulary online wordsearch.

Easter wordsearch

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Easter activities

1 English Language Easter Activities

Easter song for children

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Friday, 15 April 2011

Benvinguda als nous membres

English Bisbat, Cristina i Ana, benvinguts a ENGLISH KIDS FUN.
English Bisbat, Cristina and Ana, welcome to ENGLISH KIDS FUN.

Easter online colouring

Pinta online aquests dibuixos de Pasqua.
Colour online these Easter pictures.

Easter online colouring

Easter balloon burst

Repassa el vocabulari de Pasqua explotant els globus.
Look at the picture - can you spell the word? Burst the right balloons when they go past!.

Balloon burst

Easter jigsaws puzzles

Puzzles online amb motius de Pasqua.
Easter online jigsaw puzzles.

Easter jigsaws

Easter online worksheets

Fitxes online sobre la Pasqua.
Easter online worksheets.

Easter vocabulary (3 exercises)

Easter quiz

Contesta a les preguntes sobre la Setmana Santa triant l'opció correcta.
Answer to the questions about Easter choosing the right option.

Easter quiz

Monday, 11 April 2011

Irregular verbs wordsearch

Mira els verbs en infinitiu i troba el passat.
Look at the infinitives and look for the past.

Wordsearch 01
Wordsearch 02

Where is teddy?

Observa el dibuix i digues on es troba Teddy utilitzant la preposició correcta.
Look at the picture and choose the right preposition to say where Teddy is.

Where is Teddy?

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Describing people flashcards

Describing people flashcards

Personal pronouns

Pronoms personals en Anglés.
English personal pronouns.

Personal pronouns

When do you have . . . ?

Completa les oracions mirant l'horari.
Fill in the blanks looking at the timetable.

When do you have . . . ?

Friday, 8 April 2011

Benvinguda als nous membres

Elizabeth, benvinguda a ENGLISH KIDS FUN.
Elizabeth, welcome to ENGLISH KIDS FUN.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Fairy tales

Aprén el vocabulari dels personatges d'un conte de fades.
Learn the vocablary of the characters from a fairy tale.

Fairy tales

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Benvinguda als nous membres

Dara i Carmela, ENGLISH KIDS FUN us dóna la benvinguda.
Dara and Carmela, ENGLISH KIDS FUN welcomes you.

Past simple of regular and irregular verbs worksheet

Past simple of regular and irregular verbs

What is Pinocchio wearing?

What is Pinocchio wearing?

Sunday, 3 April 2011

My timetable

Mira l'horari i tria l'opció correcta.
Listen and choose.
My timetable

Months and seasons

Classifica els mesos de l'any en les seues corresponents estacions.
Classify the months depending on the season.
Months and seasons

Benvinguda als nous membres

Eleni i SG Aguilar, benvinguts a ENGLISH KIDS FUN.
Eleni and SG Aguilar, welcome to ENGLISH KIDS FUN.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Prepositions of time worksheet

Prepositions of time worksheet